Super Stars of Science – American Chemical Society

Field Station: Dinosaurs 2999 N. Rock Rd., Derby, KS, United States

Saturday, June 15 at 11:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm
Join students from Wichita State University’s chapter of the American Chemical Society for some MAD SCIENCE as they amaze us with feats of seeming chemistry magic; but it’s not, it’s just great science brought to life! And watch out, because you may just be selected to become their official lab assistant.

Super Stars of Science – Mike Everhart

Field Station: Dinosaurs 2999 N. Rock Rd., Derby, KS, United States

Local paleontologist and author Mike Everhart joins us to talk all about Kansas. He'll talk about the creatures that used to roam the seas, right on the ground where you’re standing! Mike wrote the book Oceans of Kansas, which was released in 2005. Over 1,000 copies of the book were sold before it was even […]

Super Stars of Science – Museum of World Treasures

Field Station: Dinosaurs 2999 N. Rock Rd., Derby, KS, United States

Join the Museum of World Treasures for a plethora of exciting and fun fossils and fossil factoids. That’s right, our friends from the MOWT will be on site to share actual fossils from around the world! Don’t miss this opportunity to visit with museum staff and learn more about the dinosaurs depicted at Field Station: […]